Source code for moffragmentor.sbu.nodecollection

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Describing a collection of nodes"""
from pymatgen.core import Molecule

from .sbucollection import SBUCollection

__all__ = ["NodeCollection"]

[docs]class NodeCollection(SBUCollection): """Collection of node building blocks""" @property def building_block_composition(self): if self._composition is None: self._composition = ["".join(["N", i]) for i in self.sbu_types] return self._composition def _node_structure(self): all_node_sites = [] for n in self: n.molecule.coords = n.cart_coords s = n.molecule.sites all_node_sites.extend(s) super_node = Molecule.from_sites(all_node_sites) return super_node def show_node_structure(self): import nglview as nv super_node = self._node_structure() return nv.show_pymatgen(super_node)