Source code for moffragmentor.fragmentor.filter

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module contains functions that perform filtering on indices or fragments.

Those fragments are typically obtained from the other fragmentation modules.

from typing import Iterable, Union

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from loguru import logger
from pymatgen.core import Lattice
from scipy.spatial.qhull import Delaunay, QhullError  # pylint:disable=no-name-in-module

from .. import mof
from ..utils import unwrap

[docs]def bridges_across_cell(mof: "mof.MOF", indices: Iterable[int]) -> bool: """Check if a molecule of indices bridges across the cell""" bridges = {} for index in indices: for neighbor_site in mof.structure_graph.get_connected_sites(index): if neighbor_site.index not in bridges: bridges[neighbor_site.index] = neighbor_site.jimage else: if (bridges[neighbor_site.index] != neighbor_site.jimage) & ( neighbor_site.index in mof.metal_indices ): return True return False
def point_in_mol_coords(point: np.array, points: np.array, lattice: Lattice) -> bool: # perhaps rather do via the COM new_coords = unwrap(points, lattice) new_point = unwrap(point, lattice) return ( in_hull(point, new_coords) or in_hull(point, points) or in_hull(new_point, points) or in_hull(new_point, new_coords) )
[docs]def in_hull(pointcloud: np.array, hull: Union[np.array, Delaunay]) -> bool: """ Test if points in `p` are in `hull`. Taken from Args: pointcloud (np.array): points to test (`NxK` coordinates of `N` points in `K` dimensions) hull (np.array): Is either a scipy.spatial.Delaunay object or the `MxK` array of the coordinates of `M` points in `K` dimensions for which Delaunay triangulation will be computed Returns: bool: True if all points are in the hull, False otherwise """ try: if not isinstance(hull, Delaunay): hull = Delaunay(hull) except (QhullError, ValueError): if len(pointcloud) < 5: logger.warning("Too few points to compute Delaunay triangulation") return False hull = Delaunay(hull, qhull_options="QJ") return hull.find_simplex(pointcloud) >= 0
def _filter_branch_points(branch_indices: list, metal_indices: list, graph: nx.Graph) -> list: """Filter incorrectly identified branch points. In a MOF structure there might be many sites with more than three neighbors that do not lead to a tree or leaf node. The relevant branching indices are those that are not between other ones. That is, we want to filter out branching indices for which the shortest path to a metal goes via another branching index. Args: branch_indices (list): candidate list of branching indices metal_indices (list): metal indices graph (nx.Graph): graph on which the nodes can be access using the items on the branch_indices and metal_indices lists Returns: list filtered branching indices """ filtered_indices = [] for branch_index in branch_indices: shortest_path = _shortest_path_to_metal(branch_index, metal_indices, graph) if not _has_branch_index_in_path(shortest_path, branch_indices): filtered_indices.append(branch_index) return filtered_indices def _has_branch_index_in_path(path, branch_indices): return any(metal_index in path for metal_index in branch_indices) def _shortest_path_to_metal(branch_index, metal_indices, graph): paths = [] for metal_index in metal_indices: path = nx.shortest_path( # pylint:disable=unexpected-keyword-arg, no-value-for-parameter graph, source=branch_index, target=metal_index ) paths.append(path) shortest_path = min(paths, key=len) return shortest_path[1:]